

from $42.00

Artist: Steven Kean

Title: “Wavescape”

Type: Matted Giclee Print

Image Size: 7.5x9.5" / 12x15.5

Mat Size: 11x14" / 16x20”

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Printed on 100% cotton rag paper that is acid-free and archival with fade-proof pigment inks. All mats are museum grade, made of 100% archival 8-ply board. The archival mounting board is included with each mat. Each print is packaged in a cello sleeve.

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In this woodcut print, Kean complements a perfect breaking wave with billowing cumulonimbus clouds. There is a sense of movement throughout the piece. This is achieved by carefully carving smooth and flowing lines into the wood. A sharp gouge and a steady hand lead the way.

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